Revenue climbed 8 percent, to $15.4 billion, in the third quarter.
The Dow, which had climbed steadily in the first quarter, stalled in a range of 2,200 to 2,400.
The S.& P. index of financial stocks climbed 7.5 percent in the quarter to a record.
Nextel's revenue climbed 59 percent, to $1.4 billion, in the third quarter.
The company said its revenues climbed to $103.6 million, from $43.7 million in the first quarter of 1991.
Revenues climbed 61 percent, to $2.13 billion, from $1.32 billion a year earlier and $2.02 billion in the first quarter.
Polaroid's stock, which traded around $30 when the year began, started to climb in the second quarter and hit a new high of $44.75 last week.
Today's report also showed that corporate profits from current production climbed $10.3 billion in the second quarter instead of $15.8 billion as previously estimated.
Reflecting that change, the demand for private borrowing through the bond market climbed slightly in the third quarter.
But gross domestic product climbed by about 6 percent in the first quarter of this year, while the Fed funds rate was only 2.75 percent.