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This time of year "is normally a period in which climate anomalies do not persist," he said.
The eruption created global climate anomalies known as "volcanic winter".
Teleconnection in atmospheric science refers to climate anomalies being related to each other at large distances (typically thousands of kilometers).
Last season saw a particularly strong episode of this occasional climate anomaly that influences snowfall in parts of the United States.
USCRN data will be used in operational climate monitoring activities and for placing current climate anomalies into a historical perspective.
This facility is used for atmospheric dynamics research, especially areas concerning global climate change, such as El Niño and La Niña climate anomalies.
Recent genetic analysis has shown that the gray fox migrated into the northeastern United States post-Pleistocene in association with the Medieval Climate Anomaly warming trend.
The time it takes these waves to cross the Pacific is one of the factors that sets the time scale and amplitude of ENSO climate anomalies.
The CPC's products are operational predictions of climate variability, real-time monitoring of global climate, and attribution of the origins of major climate anomalies.
Among other things, she studied the influence of the sun on patterns of wintertime climate anomalies known as the Arctic oscillation or North Annular Mode (NAM).
The equatorial warming and cooling events associated with the Atlantic Niño are known to be strongly related to atmospheric climate anomalies, especially in African countries bordering the Gulf of Guinea.
The 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora created global climate anomalies that became known as the "Year Without a Summer" because of the effect on North American and European weather.
Clearly, these studies have demonstrated that LCC has exacerbated the mean climate anomaly and climate extremes in southwest and eastern Australia, thus resulting in longer-lasting and more severe droughts.
Latest Seasonal Assessment - The drought outlook for January 5 - March 31, 2012 was based upon climate anomalies associated with La Niña, short to medium range forecasts, climatology, and initial conditions.
In Mexico during 1997, the estimated costs of climate anomalies associated with El Niño were 900 million US dollars, particularly in agricultural activities, when 20,000 km2 (5 million acres) were affected by a severe drought.
Produced on a monthly basis, these 'State of the Climate' reports enhance the scientific understanding of current or newly evolving climate anomalies and are an integral part of the on-going debate regarding the implementation of effective global and national strategies for protecting the environment.
This slower adjustment time allows the ocean-atmosphere system to drift further from equilibrium than in the narrower Atlantic or Indian Ocean, with the result that interannual climate anomalies (e.g. unusually warm or cold Sea Surface Temperatures) are larger in the Pacific.
H. E. Lessing has shown by circumstantial evidence that the climate anomaly of 1816, Year Without a Summer, due to the eruption of Mount Tambora that impaired transportation in Europe by crop failure and starvation of horses, was the cause of Drais' invention of the velocipede.