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The cleavage planes are at right angles to one another.
Diamond has a cleavage plane and is therefore more fragile in some orientations than others.
This structure does lead to minerals in this group having one strong cleavage plane.
The name is from the Greek for "straight fracture," because its two cleavage planes are at right angles to each other.
The following cleavage planes are centered on this axis and result in the two halves being mirror images of one another.
This significant density difference is because of the presence of epoxy between the cleavage planes.
However, water infiltrates along cleavage planes and the weathering advances easily up to the mineral core.
This results in conchoidal fractures, a characteristic of all minerals with no cleavage planes.
A breakage in diamonds that is not parallel to the cleavage plane is referred to as a fracture.
Angles between cleavage planes vary between minerals.
The cleavage plane can be found either subcorneal or within the upper stratum granulosum.
These blocks are transferred to the production centre to be sawn into regular smaller blocks, using their natural cleavage planes.
Most natural minerals are brittle because they are more or less homogeneous but it happens that a few have cleavage planes of about the right strength.
In spirally cleaving eggs the cleavage planes are oblique so that the cells, when viewed from above, take on a spiral arrangement.
It is a dull grey colour, which exhibits a splendent luster on fresh cleavage planes.
There are natural cleavage planes in the (0001) direction as the crystal is effectively lamellar (layered) in that plane.
As an example, the angles between the prismatic cleavage planes for the pyroxenes (88-92 ) and the amphiboles (56-124 ) are diagnostic.
Broken echinoderm plates 'catch the light'- the single crystals break along cleavage planes and so present a uniform reflective surface.
Like ballas diamond, carbonado lacks cleavage planes and its specific gravity varies widely from 2.9 to 3.5.
It is more thermally conductive along the cleavage plane than graphite, making it one of the best planar thermal conductors available.
These holoblastic cleavage planes pass all the way through isolecithal zygotes during the process of cytokinesis.
Bergenite occurs in fractures of quartz, muscovite, and plagioclase, especially along cleavage planes.
These spheres are sometimes deformed by a subsequent applied stress field to ovoids, which appear as ellipses when viewed on a cleavage plane of the specimen.
The anaphase spindle (in green on the figure) is then positioned so that the segregated chromosomes are on opposite sides of the predetermined cleavage plane.
It is also more diamagnetic (-400x10) against the cleavage plane, exhibiting the greatest diamagnetism (by weight) of any room-temperature diamagnet.