These are called "classic migraines."
Surveys have indicated that only about half of "classic" migraine sufferers are reaping the benefits of what modern medicine offers.
A horrible headache accompanied by extreme sensitivity to light and nausea may sound like a classic migraine.
Other names you might hear are classic migraine or migraineur.
According to his calculations, ham plus cheese equals a classic migraine.
Headaches caused by food additives are usually felt on both sides of the head (in contrast to a classic migraine, which strikes one side at a time).
Comment: I have had classic migraines for many years and this medication works wonderfuuly.
Migraine with aura (classic migraine): This type is usually preceded by an aura.
Migraine with aura, or "classic migraine", usually involves migraine headaches accompanied by an aura.
The symptoms are the same as those of common or classic migraines.