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But like many of you, the American dream was available to us because this country is not a class-based society.
The chief justice didn’t address the idea of class-based integration in his opinion.
M&M characters are not class-based nor do they technically have class levels.
That's because states have taken up alternatives, such as class-based considerations.
Perhaps we should replace affirmative action with a class-based alternative.
Traditional parties have weakened with the decline of class-based politics.
The projects are class-based, but students have the opportunity to make personal responses and judgements.
A third approach to successful named entity translation is a class-based model.
The more dominant view, on the other hand, is represented by class-based theorists.
Class-based admissions generally reduce the number of black and Hispanic students.
Class-based production processes and forces are still seen as the principal key for a useful understanding.
Evidence of class-based divisions in preferences for responses to the drug problem.
This class-based marriage divide is not only large, it's constantly getting larger.
In the end, the prospects of class-based integration will probably rise or fall on the answer to this question.
Evidence for class-based variations in mortality is provided by Fox et al.
Certainly the shift to a more class-based pattern of electoral politics helped Labour.
But class-based affirmative action alone will not achieve racial diversity.
But merit, it turns out, is at least partly class-based.
The organization identified itself as a class-based union, seeking to engage in class struggle.
Until 1994, this was done throughout the Internet using "class-based routing".
The game features no customization, but instead uses the traditional class-based system.
Ultimately, private institutions of higher learning should be encouraged to adopt a class-based approach as well.
The current divisions are also class-based, regional and, increasingly, ideological.
For similar reasons to those mentioned above, it is not appropriate to describe the Net as a class-based society.
These games are sometimes referred to as 'class-based' systems.