Including wartime construction for the British Army ROD and the post-war GCR Class 8M, the class and its derivatives totalled 666 locomotives.
These two classes continued to be built in the BR era and eventually totaled thirty Merchant Navy Class locomotives and one hundred and ten West Country and Battle of Britain Class locomotives.
Crawford High consists of a 4x4 block schedule, which means that students are able to complete four full classes a semester (fall term and spring term) totaling eight full classes a year, rather than the traditional six year-long courses.
In the event further orders were placed until the class totaled fifty-six, with 10 being built locally at the Midland Railway Workshops.
In later years, when he lived in Leeds and Birmingham, he created classes for the youth of his parishes; in Birmingham his three classes totaled 150 students and he helped organize the New Meeting Sunday schools for the poor.
The two classes of membership, Full, for those NGOs with consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, and Associate, for those with affiliation with a UN programme or agency, total more than 500 members.
The two classes together totalled 48 locomotives.
The class totaled 40,612.
This class totaled five students, four girls and one boy.
The first class totaled 37 people.