The struggle between employers and employees was viewed as a relationship imbued with class interests.
But more than that, it casts some light on the class interests at the heart of this government's response to the crisis.
However, they are there not in politics to help ordinary people who keep the country going, but to serve themselves and their own class interest.
The Liberals are free of links with class interests.
Ethnic, national, religious and other loyalties usually predominated over straight class interest.
He'd voted against his class interest four years ago, and he'd spent most of the time since regretting it.
The American way is to marry economic need, almost always defined by class interest, with idealistic goals.
The group instead turned into a vehicle for class interests, namely those of the middle-class president.
There are just too many processes and actions which directly serve particular class interests.
To put it in old-fashioned language: soldiers have class interests too.