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The specific legal issue is whether Canada's potential tax claims amount to money or property under the statute.
Can the claimed amount be collected if the major capital improvement increase is under appeal?
If the money is due, can the claimed amount be deducted from the security deposit?
Once the Lords have made their claim they will, in due course, receive a cheque for the claimed amount.
Together, those claims amount to an estimated $10 billion, almost exactly matching Argentina's foreign currency reserves at the moment.
There might be some information available on incurred claims amounts but this can often be zero.
The European countries which were dependent on German coal only got 60% of the claimed amounts.
The bill would authorize payments in lieu of taxes that some critics claim amount to tax breaks for the industry.
The parties shall indicate their agreement on the appropriate submission agreement according to the claim amount.
A deductible is an amount withheld by the insurer from the claim amount paid to the policyholder.
On personal injury claims, plainitffs will sometimes claim amounts "not to exceed $75,000" to avoid removal of the case to Federal Court.
Employees must still file income tax returns and self assess tax, claiming amounts withheld as payments.
Only that percentage of the ultimate claim amount that is directly attributed to the given defendant's negligence can be recovered.
The approval signified reasonable assurance that the travel actually took place and that the claimed amounts were reasonable.
Claiming races have claim amounts which vary, and higher amounts tend to have richer purses.
A third, not-so-obvious drawback to F.H.A.-insured reverse mortgages is the cap on the maximum claim amount.
It is estimated that English loanwords, which are becoming more commonplace, make up 20% of the Maltese vocabulary, although other sources claim amounts as low as 6%.
The suit, which is likely to go to trial this fall, seeks an injunction stopping the industry from sales and distribution practices that the plaintiffs claim amount to a public nuisance.
Katzenberg had offered $100 to settle the case but Eisner felt the original claim amount of about half a billion too much, but then the ancillary market clause was found.
'Court shopping'-where a plaintiff reduces the damage claim amount to have a trial in a court that otherwise does not have jurisdiction-is strictly forbidden in some states.
"The maximum claim amount is determined by an appraisal, which is done by a H.U.D.-approved appraiser," Ms. Corbett said.
Under the above assumptions, Wald's equation can be used to calculate the expected total claim amount when information about the average claim number per year and the average claim size is available.
The effect of an excess or deductible are the same if the claim amount is fully covered, but differ when the claim amount exceeds that maximum insured value.
However, because this amount does not take into account "minor" spills, the World Bank argues that the true quantity of petroleum spilled into the environment could be as much as ten times the officially claimed amount.
Sometimes children could be sold for more than the per claim amount allowed and so survivors of 'hunts' were enslaved as provided by the Act of 1850 for the Government and Protection of Indians.