Today, there are usually ten choral services at the cathedral each week.
In theory, free ladies were still required to provide six weeks of choral service; this was not always observed in practice.
It is a tradition that continues today with the choral services of evensong and Eucharist during term.
This parish has given special attention to music, it being the first in the city to introduce the choral service.
In 1903 several choirs climbed onto the rock to perform a choral service.
This two manual and pedal instrument is used for choral services in order to accompany the Choir.
We have a surpliced choir, 12 boys and 8 men, and a fully choral service.
The girls attend most Saturday mornings during term time and sing a short choral service of morning worship at 11.45 am.
It is also the term used for that section of the church where the choir sits, and where choral services take place.
A choral service was introduced, along with "a simple yet dignified ritual", and the congregations increased considerably.