The competition's first stage was in October, when jurors chose seven finalists from a field of 37 contenders.
This year, Webware editors chose 300 finalists from over 5000 qualifying nominees.
A high-level jury reviewed all entries and chose 36 finalists representing six regions of the world.
They received 101 entries and chose six finalists.
The first contest had 1,700 entrants, from which a jury chose 49 finalists.
Juries usually choose three finalists in each category; the Pulitzer board chooses the winner.
Tory members of Parliament will choose two finalists to put before the 350,000 party members later this summer.
They also decided to choose five or six finalists, instead of three or four.
Schools were invited to send in a video stating why their school was "cool", from which Fox 4 staff chose ten finalists.
But by the end of the afternoon, the lawyers had chosen 13 finalists for a 27-member jury pool.