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All the morning things seemed a long way off, as they do to a man under chloroform.
Despite the similar name, it is very different from chloroform.
However, he lost a patient to chloroform under his hands in 1874.
And when I'm not, you can call the doctors for the chloroform.
She has gone and there is a smell of chloroform in the air.
When she lost consciousness he could do the rest with chloroform.
But when there was, near the end, the nurse gave her chloroform.
A chloroform pad or something like that would leave no mark.
They would have been put to death with chloroform had not my father asked for them."
After that it was no hard matter to chloroform each one of us in turn, and they had the ship to themselves.
There is nothing romantic about the after effects of chloroform.
He'd used chloroform on one of his first two subjects for this very purpose.
"At least not until she's slept off the effects of the chloroform."
Hard to do with a mind still half sodden in chloroform.
And why did the stench of chloroform remain so strong?
He held another chloroform cloth to my nose and mouth.
And, in 1848, was the first to use chloroform for anaesthesia.
He'd been on the brink of total recall when the chloroform had got to him.
How he came to try chloroform has been vividly told by one of his neighbors.
They found the patient didn't stand the chloroform well, and so the whole thing was off.
Chloroform was discovered by three researchers independently of one another.
There, in December 1911, he took his life by poisoning himself with chloroform.
"Chloroform," she whispered, but the word was lost in the wind.
After removing the chloroform, the cycle was repeated 4 times.
Chloroform is much more of a blunt instrument, and very dangerous.