Turkey is also used as a substitute for beef in regular chili recipes.
Possibly borrowing from the Cincinnati style, chili recipes common in the surrounding Ohio Valley use some or all of the above "5 way" ingredients.
Along with a small army of friends in Nassau they tried hundreds of chili recipes before settling on 200.
I want your chili recipe!'
It was all part of a plan to have dogs taste test each chili recipe for Cheap Chucky.
The humble coffee bean boasts plenty of health benefits - and boosts the flavor of our chili recipe!
I'd say, conservatively, this chili recipe for 10 costs about $100.
Larry Wilcoxson was the only person who knows the secret chili recipe, and he did all the cooking himself.
(Or make your own with one of these healthy chili recipes!)
The original chili recipe has not been altered and is a closely guarded family secret.