Still, the love triangle makes for some interesting drama and the script's observations about childhood infatuations are right on point.
The title of this last book, Marie & the Duke of H, focused on Bashkirtseff's childhood infatuation with William Douglas-Hamilton, 12th Duke of Hamilton.
Bergman grew up in a home infused with an intense Christianity, his father being a charismatic rector (this may have explained Bergman's childhood infatuation with Hitler which later deeply tormented him).
Only a few months earlier the touch would have irritated him, causing confusion and guilt as he wrestled with the love for a human woman against what he told himself was a childhood infatuation with this elfmaiden.
He should have nipped Sara's childhood infatuation in the bud.
Headley has also seduced Elder's precocious childhood infatuation, Melissa - daughter of his father's partner, Neil Paton, and his neurasthenic wife, Hilda.
My "love affair" is derived from a childhood infatuation of its lore and legends, its lingo and its "characters."
Aware of the possible banality of a memoir based on a childhood infatuation with sports, he nonetheless cannot resist thinking that all that material has to be worth something.
He also confides in him his interest for Panicker's daughter Anuradha (Bhanupriya), who was his childhood infatuation.
As she grew older, she put it down to a childhood infatuation.