Thus both the House and Senate bills would strengthen child-support enforcement, on the principle that responsibility for child care rests first with parents.
She has emphasized her sponsorship of child-support enforcement and legislation to expand and improve home health care.
Private child-support enforcement is still a new field and one that is completely unregulated.
The budget that the House passed just before Thanksgiving, would cut $51 billion over five years from programs like Medicaid, food stamps, farm subsidies and child-support enforcement.
It was created by men ignoring their responsibilities and, in many cases, hiding themselves and their income from child-support enforcement.
"You get two-thirds who are paying and one-third who are not," said Jim Kozmor, assistant director of child-support enforcement for Hudson County.
And I favor putting with that the toughest conceivable system of child-support enforcement.
Staunch fiscal conservatives, seeking to attack the budget deficit, forced Republican moderates to vote for politically painful cuts in Medicaid, student loans and child-support enforcement.
In Georgia, as in Michigan, Virginia, Washington and other states with aggressive child-support enforcement, payments have steadily risen in the last five years.
First, strengthen child-support enforcement.