Faria, the beneficent and cheerful companion, with whom he was accustomed to live so intimately, no longer breathed.
Add that to the habitual atmosphere of injury which she wore, and Aunt Ella was not what one might call a cheerful companion.
Finally, exasperated, she said, "You're really not the most cheerful companion right now, Magnus.
"I shall always remember you as a cheerful companion," Conan said.
From a cheerful, boisterous companion, he turns into a suspicious, growling watchdog, likely to go berserk at the slightest sound.
The Doyle brothers made cheerful companions, asking questions of both Kris and Zainal.
To dream that spring is advancing, is a sign of fortunate undertakings and cheerful companions.
Maurice's wife Stella lives with them also and remains his cheerful companion and support.
Now that Tanny was on his way, he was as cheerful a companion as one could wish.