The kauppatori, also known as the fish market, is good for salmon chowder, cheap snacks and fresh produce such as berries.
(The basement is also a good place for cheaper snacks than you'll find in the street-level restaurants. )
The processes made chocolate from an luxury to an cheap daily snack.
Fish balls were produced and sold in this manner as a cheap, yet tasty and filling snack for the people.
Refreshment Rooms were also provided at major stations for passengers wishing to purchase cheaper snacks and drinks.
Homemade soup in a mug is a useful, warming, cheap snack any time - forget the spoon and bowl!
Trail mix, apart from being a food for hikers, is served as a cheap snack to accompany drinks.
Remember, too, that there are literally scores of cafes in Zurich where you can have a quick and cheap snack.
For a quick, cheap snack, visit the counter for a baked pastry.
During cooler months, street vendors sell "horse's hoof" cakes made from water chestnut flour as a cheap snack or dessert.