Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Some of them were from you, including the letter with the photograph and charge card.
Can I use personal credit or charge cards to support my business?
They put it all on their charge cards, he added.
Shoes should feel good before you hand over the charge card.
They issued its own charge card from 1967 to 2000.
This type of account is known today as a charge card.
She plans to pay with her charge card because he'll be dead two days from now in an accident.
American Express entered the business in 1958 with its first charge card.
This is somebody charging cards a very small amount of money.
I traced down your charge card,' he said, as though it were the most natural thing in the world.
"We want to make this a global restaurant charge card," he said.
"If she does, I'll put a stop on her charge cards."
Unlike a charge card, customers could pay off the balance over time.
All guilt falls away, as you reach for your charge card.
The store accepts only cash or its own charge card.
They must feel like a courtesan with a charge card.
Please do not include sensitive personal information such as your bank account, charge card, or social security number.
None of these small restaurants takes charge cards or checks.
The bill, which came through later on a charge card, was $246.33.
"We are the tail, and the charge card is the dog."
Luna had a charge card which his wife, Angela, did not know about.
I'm moving slowly toward taking out a charge card.
There have been several other modifications - upward - in the cost of using charge cards.
The company is losing customers to charge cards issued at lower fees.
"Yes, I can well imagine that no one actually places a charged plate over the countryside.
He put his thumb to the charge plate.
The particles are then magnetically attracted to negatively charged plates.
She'd go barefaced as a baby and throw her charge plate in the nearest sewer.
She would be on hand without fail, charge plates in hand, every time one of the big stores had a junk sale.
Convenience - rather than having to connect a power cable, the device can be placed on or close to a charge plate or stand.
Squirt the charged vapor through more charged plates to accelerate it, and you've got a drive.
'Take my charge plate and go shopping.
He indicated the charge plate.
He found that the rays were attracted toward a positively charged plate and repelled by a negative one, bending the beam.
The positively charged U ions are then attracted to a negatively charged plate and collected.
Any ions caught inbetween would be pushed to the oppositely charged plate.
This causes the particles to be attracted to oppositely charged plates so that they can be removed from the air stream.
The field deflected the rays toward the positively charged plate, providing further evidence that the rays carried negative charge.
When this surface comes in contact with the charging plate on the watch stand, the Smart Watch battery is charged through induction.
Capacitance hygrometers consist of two charged plates separated by a polymer membrane dielectric.
Air cleaners that use electrically charged plates known as "electrostatic precipitators" have grown in popularity.
An alternative to filters is an electrostatic purifier that uses a washable, electrically charged plate to capture pollutants.
In another scene, the President declares, "Jackie, you can't spend the taxpayers' money like a teen-ager with her first charge plate!"
It is drawn to a charged plate as if it was magnetized and goes through the center," the mentat explained.
"We think there are charged plates inset in the cap material around the circumference of the tube, but we haven't investigated yet.
The customers-selected all the merchandise themselves, checked it out via data screens, touched their thumbs to charge plates to debit their accounts'.
Superconductors for the magnetic fields and charge plates: those take cryogenic systems, and those have auxiliary systems to keep them going.
Voltmeters operating on the electrostatic principle use the mutual repulsion between two charged plates to deflect a pointer attached to a spring.
It was found that in an electric field these anode rays bend in the opposite direction from cathode rays, toward a negatively charged plate.