Send a Cow's work in Africa is based on groups and the strong community spirit that characterises African society.
Despite the changing lifestyles and ever-increasing personal mobility that characterize modern society, the family remains the central element of contemporary life.
We would like to see an indication of the kind of hunger for peace which characterizes Israeli society.
She says that as a Chinese immigrant, she uses humour to characterize society in general.
No doubt stress and change have always characterized human society and psychiatrists point out that these two factors are closely linked.
But it seemed to reflect the mood of irritation that has increasingly characterized French society as economic growth has slowed down here throughout this year.
He spoke out against misconceptions that characterize Saudi society as backwards and uneducated.
He characterizes American society as typically being indifferent to the fate of other people, uninformed, and anti-intellectual.
He has identified 10 'megatrends' which, he believes, will characterise American society during the 1980s.
In my opinion, you could not become the most sustainable knowledge-based economy in the world without having respect for the values which characterise European society.