But not since 1932 has a Soviet exhibition showed the riot of forms and philosophies that characterized Russian art early in this century.
Not for her the clinical precision of sharp-focus photography or press-type text that characterizes so much art that sets out to change the world.
This project and related texts indicate three key aspects that broadly characterized sociological art.
There is a sense of irony that characterizes 20th-century art, but irony gets boring if played without commitment, with detachment.
Both artists are showmen whose work reflects the heightened awareness of audience, the increased accessibility that has characterized so much art since the late 1970's.
But it also characterized pre-Renaissance European art, like Byzantine icon painting.
What characterises good generative art?
Five careers, each with its own arc, driven by that curious combination of idea and image that characterizes art at the end of the 20th century.
Brilliant colors, naive perspective, and sly humor characterize Haitian art.
A commonly held idea is that pluralism characterizes art at the beginning of the 21st century.