Initially moving towards the west-northwest due to an upper-level low and a ridge over Mexico, the storm then turned to the west as the upper-level low changed direction.
This feature would cause characters to fall if they ran too fast or changed direction too quickly.
Taking a different route from my usual one-then changed direction at random.
Below, Case ducked aside from a charge, planted a hearty right in the big man's short ribs, danced back as the other changed direction.
The notice-he estimated no more than a score of words-was cut into the wall with Old World precision, just above the place where the passage Vilkata was following changed direction and turned sharply downward.
The animal stumbled at the changed direction of the pull, and as soon as he steadied Nefer swung himself the other way.
Gentle changed direction instantly, veering off the road and dividing a herd of pilgrims as he did so, and raced towards Pie's noisy chariot.
It was destroyed by the changed direction of the flow of the river.
Thrown off balance by the stinging slug that had struck him from the dark, Rodlick followed the changed direction of his own arm.
The 26th changed direction, and arrived in Portsmouth in April, moving to garrison in Shorncliffe.