At 24 years old, she had clients including pro wrestlers, champion bodybuilders, and some Olympic athletes and medalists.
He is also a three-time champion bodybuilder.
Fernand exercises so strenuously that he quite literally turns into a different person (Yves Montmarquette, a champion bodybuilder), yet his transformation remains incomplete.
Miller, a former gymnast and champion bodybuilder, was told by doctors to stay off the leg for six weeks.
She has the muscular physique of a champion bodybuilder.
She became a nationally recognized celebrity as a champion bodybuilder, fitness expert, and freelance writer.
He is also a certified sports nutritionist, champion bodybuilder, and international fitness model.
Growing up in northern Iraq, he became a champion bodybuilder in his late teens.
It is his dream to be a champion bodybuilder in the super heavyweight category in a sport dominated by much shorter men.
The governor, a former champion bodybuilder, vetoed a similar bill last year, prompting accusations of a conflict of interest.