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The plant can also be described by the formula Chamaecytisus purpureus + Laburnum anagyroides.
They include species commonly called broom, though the term may also refer to other genera, including Cytisus and Chamaecytisus.
The leguminous shrub Chamaecytisus wulffii was named to his honour by Vitaly Krechetovich in 1945.
The larvae feed on Chamaecytisus species, including Chamaecytisus austriacus.
The larvae feed on Genista tinctoria, Genista ratisbonensis, Cytisus hirsutus, Colutea arborescens, Chamaecytisus, Astragalus glycyphyllos and Corothamus procumbens.
Chamaecytisus hirsutus, common name: Clustered Broom or Hairy Broom, is a perennial plant belonging to the genus Chamaecytisus of the Fabaceae family.
The larvae feed on Astragalus, Chamaecytisus supinus, Genista tinctoria, Laburnocytisus adamii, Laburnum alpinum, Laburnum anagyroides, Lupinus polyphyllus and Petteria ramentacea.
The brooms belong to the subfamily Faboideae of the legume family Fabaceae, mainly in the three genera Chamaecytisus, Cytisus and Genista, but also in five other small genera (see box, right).
The larvae feed on Dorycnium species (including Dorycnium herbaceum), Lotus corniculatus, Ulex europaeus, Ulex nanus, Coronilla emerus, Chamaecytisus species, Cytisus procumbens, Cytisus hirsutus and Corothamnus procumbens.