Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
She took another step forward, still looking at him challengingly.
But he said it challengingly, and was clearly not sorry.
The single word, hanging challengingly in the air between them.
He stared at her challengingly for a long moment, but she didn't speak.
Teachers are advised not to approach students head on, challengingly, but slightly from the side.
She broke away from Leslie and stood challengingly in front of him.
She sniffed the ground, then raised her head almost challengingly to look back at him.
Then he turned, facing Hammond, his dark eyes looking up at him challengingly.
What would be your answer to overcrowding?' he said, challengingly.
She took her eyes off the controls just long enough to look challengingly at Kirk.
She said challengingly: "I've been sold up the river, you know, once already."
Then throwing his head back he looked challengingly at Vance.
She raised her head and looked at him, challengingly.
He fell to the ground and was helped up again, Brew standing over him challengingly.
He was watching her challengingly now, a goading light in his eyes.
But challengingly, he said, "You appear to me to be a man who likes a challenge."
"And I bet you don't believe in love at first sight," he said challengingly.
He stared challengingly at the men about him; they dropped their gaze and said nothing.
Challengingly he sipped at his drink while she turned the pages.
He paused, staring challengingly at the group of people, before continuing.
Leaping to his feet, he called out challengingly: "What are you doing here on this day?"
Yet, in the light of Piper's illness, they were challengingly significant.
She hesitated and stepped free of the water, then raised her gaze challengingly to his.
She pulled back, staring challengingly up into his eyes.