Originally, the system could only be mounted to certain firearms, and even then the use of the system was extremely complicated.
The barrel shroud has been the target of legislative restrictions in the United States, along with other features of certain firearms.
Regional divisions explain why the House rejected provisions to ban the manufacture of certain semiautomatic firearms.
The law banned certain semi-automatic firearms with two or more specific design features, and also prohibited the manufacture of ammunition magazines that held over ten rounds.
Some load configurations may be neither suitable nor safe in certain firearms converted to .45 BPM.
They are given a list of certain firearms that they may or may not carry during the academy.
Licensed dealers must have the Virginia State Police conduct a background check prior to completing the sale of certain firearms.
A finish applied to certain firearms.
It banned the manufacture or importation of certain semi-automatic firearms that it defined as assault weapons.
During the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, certain firearms made before the ban's enactment were legal to own.