There was not much evidence of regret among the writers who then decided to rewrite democratic theory in order to incorporate the central elitist proposition.
You could say, at this point, that the novel's central proposition is trite: how will Clara face the demons of her past?
It is a central proposition of this research that there will be different regional effects upon small firm performance in the regions selected.
The central proposition - that Cameron didn't want to win outright - is absurd.
"Weapons of Mass Distraction" never goes after its central proposition, about how the media manipulate culture.
Most of what he argues flows from the single central proposition that familiar notions no longer serve us well in dealing with contemporary international affairs.
Schopenhauer's central proposition is the main idea of his entire philosophy, he states simply as "The world is my representation."
The central proposition was influential but highly controversial.
And that is the central proposition of Dynarand's sales pitch.
Such supplements will be welcome in fleshing out the central proposition of this report, which declares that monetary policy is not neutral.