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He has worked in the central budget office, the community school district financial offices, and the regional operating center.
Some of the central budget ideas in the speech were also pronounced dead by legislative leaders.
Official press reports have also called for more spending on family planning, which currently receives less than one percent of the central budget.
Adjarian leadership often refused to pay taxes to the central budget.
About 98% of this subsidy is said to come from State rather than Central budgets.
He was best remembered as being the first to doubt the way money from the central budget was spent in Kosovo.
More than half of the central budget goes toward the military and repayment of the national debt.
But they should work and earn their keep from us and not from the central budget.
All principals, for example, will manage school budgets allocated directly by the Department of Education's central budget office.
An extra £3,500 had to be transferred from the leisure services central budget because there was not enough to produce publicity leaflets and posters.
Once several large secondary schools have converted, taking their share of central budgets, a local authority will be unable to support those schools that remain.
In 1957 the United States subsidized more than 30 percent of the Bolivian government's central budget.
But before they jump, they should realize that one central budget issue - corporate tax rates - has become a victim of misleading statistics.
He then noted that the central budget dispute is how to spend a surplus that is now being projected.
However, the district's budget does not include allocations from the central budget, which tend to be ad hoc, dependent on particular needs.
This export was under centralised control, and most of the export revenue was absorbed into the Soviet central budget.
"A monetary union without a central budget is something which doesn't make sense," he told the forum, organised by the Chinese internet company NetEase.
The PSA was the central budget holder for all such works, and let contracts with the private construction industry on behalf of its clients.
Public buildings from the 4th century onward tended to be much more modest and funded from central budgets, as the regional taxes had dried up.
A percentage of revenues from each emirate are allocated to the UAE's central budget.
"I don't see a readiness for a European superstate with one tax system, one big central budget, one security system.
Beginning with the 1996 budget year, the agreement says an agreed proportion of customs revenue will accrue to the central budget of the Bosnian republic.
Most ominously, Mr Gorbachev faces a drastic loss of revenue to the central budget from the rebellious republics.
And will the six percent, which the Director of Education has been instructed to save across all central budgets, be enough to cover this years' education overspend?
Another alternative scheme would be to allocate all funding directly from central government finances - already around 75% of local authority income is from central budgets.