Based on the results of the 2010 census enumeration, the total population is 1,041,915 consisting of 495,099 men and 546,816 women.
The database includes complete individual-level census enumerations for each country, and provides information on over 100 million people.
This growing population encompasses some of the people that city officials say are so difficult to count in census enumerations.
Due to conflict, census enumeration could not be conducted in Samlout district during the 1998 Census.
In census enumeration, data regarding child under 0-6 age were also collected for all districts including Nayagarh.
They may know that the census enumeration does not correspond to the population of the United States.
Commerce Department guidelines say the tally will be adjusted only if the revised figures "are shown to be more accurate than the census enumeration."
It can be noted that the census enumeration takes place on one single day in Turkey (in other countries it takes 1-2 weeks).
Numbers less than 20 are rendered as words unless they comprise part of an inventory list or census enumeration.
There is a continuous census enumeration on Dhimal population (or sometimes language spoken) up to 1951 except 1941.