It regroups the old APUD system which stated that all these cells originated from the neural tube.
The stromal cells originate from the stromal cells that are always present in the endometrium.
Spinous cells originate through mitosis in the basal layer (also known as the germinative layer).
Given this piece of scientific information, we were faced with the new question of how living cells originated from amino acids.
Its cells originate in bone marrow and the spleen, and in the blood there are potential molecular fibres in the form of fibrinogen.
During embryogenesis, retinal cells originate from the anterior portion of the neural plate termed the eye field.
These malignant cells often originate in lymph nodes, presenting as an enlargement of the node (a tumor).
Eukaryotic cells originated when two cells combined - perhaps when one engulfed the other.
Every cell in the body originates from a single fertilized egg, which contains in its DNA all the information needed to construct a whole organism.
The cells that continued to grow may have originated in that part of the embryo known as the mesoderm.