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Perhaps trout would take caviare, which is not forbidden by the law of the land.
I have never eaten enough caviare,' said Stephen, helping himself again.
Half an hour later we started the gray caviare.
He ate up all the caviare, and there were four pounds in the jar.
I dare say it was caviare to the Admiral too.'
The Czech began to shovel the caviare down like an automaton.
The waitress arrived with a flask of vodka and more red caviare.
The dean's daughter did not care for shell-fish, so they were forced to start dinner with caviare.
And years had passed since then, the deacon had long been dead, but the caviare was still remembered.
"Henry," she said plaintively, "I've never even seen the caviare."
And perhaps a mousseline of chicken with caviare for starters?
The finest caviare is made from its roe.
Look at you with the caviare today."
"Are you going to start with caviare?
You can rely on these tycoon wives to tot up every egg in the caviare.
This was his only small attempt at wit throughout the meal: and a little caviare was almost all he ate.
Caviare is prepared from the roe, and isinglass from the air bladder.
And I can't go without it, because it's wanted for dinner - in fact, it's a little jar of caviare.
We munched into the caviare, spooning it on to the wafer biscuits.
"There's caviare in that jar at your elbow.
"I meant the place of caviare sandwiches.
Maria leaned across and took two glasses of champagne and some biscuits heaped with caviare.
We shouldn't even have finished the caviare."
I ordered red caviare and black bread and butter and two hundred grams of vodka.
Here, milling around the caviare, dwells all the menace and the glamour of the Unseen World.