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The world cattle population is estimated to be about 1.3 billion.
The government hoped to increase the cattle population to 10 million by the year 2000.
It must be taken relative to the cattle population in each country.
It also has the world's largest cattle population (193 million).
It was second in cattle population only to Texas.
It currently accounts for about 33% of the entire cattle population in Lithuania.
It became clear that the beef cattle population required genetic improvement.
An alternative method is to measure thefts against the cattle population (Table 3.2).
However, drought and disease have affected the cattle population.
Belgium, with a cattle population a small fraction of ours, tested about 20 times that number for the disease.
The state is very rich in cattle population.
Disease ravaged the local cattle population, and Spanish influenza destroyed many families.
"The number of confirmed cases (455) is very small compared with the total cattle population of 13 million.
But we must look at the numbers involved relative to the cattle population in each country to make sense, rather than just to panic the consumer.
Even more importantly, it perpetuated the circulation of the virus in the cattle population.
Dry and infertile, this land can only support one-tenth of the present cattle population, wildlife officials say.
There are private medical practitioners and a veterinarian to take care of the people and the large cattle population.
Barmer district has the highest cattle population out of which sheep and goats are in majority.
By the mid 1970s it became the dominant breed in its native country, comprising 98% of the cattle population.
During famine years it becomes very difficult for animals to survive, and the cattle population declines drastically.
Rather, it was meant to catch the disease if it arose spontaneously in the cattle population.
There is no evidence of major long-term geographical shifts in the cattle population, but disease or drought could cause sudden local declines.
Cow, buffalo, sheep, goats, camel, and ox consists of major cattle population.
Māmane grows well in areas where there are no sheep or goats, and cattle populations are limited.
This means the cattle population will be required to grow in order to keep up with the demand, producing the highest possible rate of greenhouse-gas emissions.