It put cash receipts for the state's 13,000 commercial dairy farmers at $1.42 billion, down 2 percent from the year before.
The proportion of cash receipts will depend on the type of business.
But of the cash receipts, only $850,000 remains after expenses.
Poor controls over nearly $1 million in cash receipts.
And since cash receipts stimulate consumption, how can the capital gains tax cut be pushed with a straight face?
So what your folks could do is check the tags and see if the name matches-on all the cash receipts.
It was not a nine to five job where I took time off to take the daily cash receipts to the bank.
They also ignored about $300,000 in far less traceable collected cash receipts.
Oh, and I have a cash receipt for drinks.
We kept a little pigeonhole on the wall for the cash receipts and paperwork of each store.