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Ammonium carbamate can also be used as a good ammoniating agent.
Formation of the carbamate is favored by an alkaline pH.
Ethyl carbamate has been produced commercially in the United States for many years.
The Burgess reagent is a carbamate and a so-called inner salt.
Eventually this was replaced by a particulate carbamate.
Miotine was the first synthetic carbamate that was used clinically.
They should not be confused with the specific substance urethane, also known as ethyl carbamate.
Polyurethanes are neither produced from ethyl carbamate, nor do they contain it.
However, small quantities of ethyl carbamate are also used in laboratories as an anesthetic for animals.
Ammonium carbamate is a salt of ammonia and carbamic acid.
Another carbamate based group is the benzyloxy-carbonyl (Z) group.
Other foods and beverages prepared by means of fermentation also contain ethyl carbamate.
In the following example, the intermediate isocyanate is trapped by methanol, forming a carbamate.
The carbamate derived from aminoimidazole is an intermediate in the biosynthesis of inosine.
Soy sauce may contain ethyl carbamate, a Group 2A carcinogen.
Oxazolidinedione, which has two in-cycle keto groups (a carbamate and a lactam).
Additionally, heating after bottling either during shipping or in preparation will cause ethyl carbamate levels to rise further.
Ethyl carbamate is not acutely toxic to humans, as shown by its use as a medicine.
Secondary reaction products include semicarbazide and ethyl carbamate.
Perhaps the most important carbamate is the one involved in the capture of CO by plants since this process is relevant to global warming.
The insect repellent icaridin is a substituted carbamate.
The resulting carbamate is then phosphorylated with another molecule ATP.
Methyl carbamate is the simplest ester of carbamic acid.
The carbamate produced then sponaneously degrades to produce another ammonia and carbonic acid.
It is the analog of a carbamate in which both oxygen atoms are replaced by sulfur atoms.