The battle ends when Clark bursts through the walls of a car crusher and strangles his evil identity, vanquishing him for good.
A car crusher is an industrial device used to reduce the dimensions of derelict (depreciated) cars prior to transport for recycling.
One woman lives in a house located in the void "between a car crusher and a factory."
The plant, which is also the world's largest car crusher which was featured in the TV series 'How do they do it'.
The original monster plan was to turn an old, retired 1973 Cadillac Hearse into a mobile car crusher.
A car crusher is often used to reduce the size of the scrapped vehicle for transportation to a steel mill.
It ends with Quint operating a car crusher and destroying numerous cameras.
She says that her dad sent all those cars, except the General cause her dad thought it too pretty to destroy, to the car crusher.
The site was near a railroad station and a car crusher - not a bad place for a power plant.
In this article we'll learn what a car crusher is, how they crush and why take the time to turn a car into a brick of steel.