Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
There seems to be something in going after the ultimate captive market.
But now that the Taliban are gone, so, too, is a captive market.
Its first shock was learning about western competition after having had a captive market for the last 40 years.
Insurance companies must be forced to do the same by eliminating their captive market.
Usually this is because of a captive market and the need for overnight parking.
You will have to pay for decades to come to get some profit back from your captive markets.
It would be a captive market for the goods now being produced in Egypt.
Captive markets result in higher prices and less diversity for consumers.
This was a captive market, and the sponsors were merciless.
Soon it became a captive market for mainstream India.
The colonies were captive markets for British industry, and the goal was to enrich the mother country.
India was a captive market for our cotton mills.
There are few companies in the market, and in a sense it's a captive market.
Not cheap, but it caters to a captive market.
In the past, manufacturers had a captive market.
Without a captive market, the insurance industry would be forced to attract buyers by selling a competitive product.
"I figured we'd try a captive market," he said.
"You create a captive market for your supplies."
Owning part or all of a rental company gives an auto maker a captive market for its vehicles.
(Students, of course, are in some sense a captive market, forced to buy the books their professors assign.
From 1886, Worthington began to vigorously acquire public houses, which would provide a captive market for its product.
And it's a city full of pampered and indulged children, a captive market.
Why should we pay high prices and be turned into a captive market for automobile and soft drink ads?
Within France they were given captive markets, and any bribes were considered a necessary cost of doing business.
But is it fair if Labour's revenue demands fall heaviest on middle class employees simply because they are more of a captive market?