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Although the impact on the overall American economy is small, certain sectors, particularly those in the capital goods industry, are being damaged, the report concluded.
But capital goods industries have been "particularly robust," with the Cleveland district reporting heavy export demand.
At the time of the nation's independence, the need for an Indian capital goods industry was recognized and Isgec was established in 1946.
Within capital goods industries, new orders for nonmilitary goods fell 10.3 percent - 5.5 percent not counting aircraft and parts.
Proponents of the theory conclude that the longer the unsustainable shift in capital goods industries continues, the more violent and disruptive the necessary re-adjustment process.
Inflation results because capital goods industries cannot meet new, real demands for capital goods by entrepreneurs by increasing capacity.
For capital goods industries, the 7.8 percent gain in May contrasted with an average 6.3 percent decline for March and April.
The economic model did not generate a viable capital goods industry because firms relied on imports of often outmoded capital and intermediate goods.
New orders in capital goods industries slumped four-tenths of 1 percent over-all but dropped 2.9 percent for nonmilitary business excluding aircraft and parts.
The lower increases in the shares of the intermediate and capital goods industries reflect the lesser priority attributed to them by the import substitution industrialization strategy.
While the nation's capital goods industry has taken a beating, the weak dollar has given it a lift recently, particularly in areas like aircraft, where American companies are competitive.
If they spend then this creates more jobs in the consumer industry and if they invest then jobs are created in the capital goods industry.
And just to achieve that synthetic production, Germany had invested a massive 1.9 billion Reichsmarks over three years-almost half of all investment in its capital goods industry.
The company Ipsen International Holding GmbH belongs to the capital goods industry branch, specifically to the machine building branch.
Why do capital goods industries and asset market prices fluctuate more widely than do the consumer goods industries and consumer prices?
Among capital goods industries, about one-third of all durable goods, new orders surged 8 percent in March - 8.1 percent for civilian items and 7.8 percent for military hardware.
Businesses borrow at unsustainably low interest rates and overinvest in capital goods, which in turn leads to a diversion of investment from consumer goods to capital goods industries.
Austrians argue that capital goods industries will find that their investments have been in error; that what they thought profitable really fails for lack of demand by their entrepreneurial customers.
Immediately, however, this raises the problem of collinearity; added to which, no really strong pattern emerges apart from some significant relationship between research and development expenditure and export performance among most, though not all, capital goods industries.
Within capital goods industries, orders for durable goods rose 1.1 percent over all but were down eight-tenths of 1 percent - the fourth consecutive decline - when tanks, planes and other military items were excluded.
C Rangarajan, Chairman of PMEAC acknowledging that the November data showed an overall pick up, said that the capital goods industry was still not showing signs of a good pick-up.
Borrowers take their newly acquired funds and bid up the prices of capital and other producers' goods, which, in the theory, stimulates a shift of investment from consumer goods to capital goods industries.
(If the change in the production process did have a capital cost then some at least of the cost of that capital would go to pay the wages and salaries of those in the capital goods industry.
All the divisions of the company were affected due to the industrial slowdown in the capital goods industry in the 1990s and the company continued to lose market due to sluggish demand and was eventually referred to BFIR.
The PSOE's restructuring programme in the steel, shipbuilding, mining, vehicles and capital goods industries led to a reduction in public enterprise employment and the sale of a number of major companies (notably the INI-owned car firm SEAT) to the private sector.