The size of the flame and corresponding rate of burning is controlled largely by the candle wick.
Or you could orient trap neck bar so as to cut off the candle wick (however this would not technically be "blow out").
The Princess froze in the act of touching the lighted end to a candle wick.
Gloved fingers, snapping in the air, extinguished the flame of the candle wick.
The match burned right down, but still the candle wick only spluttered as it had before.
Holding a candle wick to the flames she waited for it to light, then climbed back to the loft.
Then she applied the match to the candle wick and knelt there, watching the flame.
Curious, I reached over and felt the candle wick.
Reach out your hand and focus on the candle wick as if you were going to use your ring, only don't activate it.
A small glow of light started to form on the candle wick.