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"You can begin when the camera tube decides to work, Monsignor."
A film chain usually used a video camera tube as this reduced flicker.
But these old camera tubes just don't like red."
Video camera tubes typically had a certain maximum brightness tolerance.
The plant was officially opened in 1967 and is still making Plumbicon camera tubes today.
In 1950 the arrival of the Vidicon camera tube made smaller cameras possible.
Earlier ones used a camera tube; later ones digitized the signal.
The size of video camera tubes is simply the overall outside diameter of the glass envelope.
The other half of the light passes to the other side, through a 45-degree angle mirror and into a video camera tube.
Later vidicon and plumbicon video camera tubes produced much cleaner, more accurate pictures.
Early TV cameras (see Video camera tube) did not have a shutter.
The electron optics of camera tubes differ considerably.
It doesn't mean the diagonal length of the sensor, but the diameter of a virtual "camera tube."
While working for Westinghouse Electric Corporation in 1923, he began to develop an electronic camera tube.
The common inch-based sizing system is derived from vacuum image-sensing video camera tubes, which are now obsolete.
He joined RCA, where was active in the development of TV camera tubes.
A vidicon tube is a video camera tube design in which the target material is a photoconductor.
Philips invented the plumbicon pick up Video camera tube in 1965; almost all of their color cameras used this award winning tube.
Cystoscopy shows the urinary tract from inside the bladder, using a thin, flexible camera tube inserted down the urethra.
The RCA system was a new, more sensitive and durable TV camera tube.
The iconoscope was the primary camera tube used in American broadcasting from 1936 until 1946, when it was replaced by the image orthicon tube.
A one inch camera tube has a sensitive area of approximately two thirds of an inch on the diagonal or about 16 mm.
Endoscopy uses a flexible camera tube through small openings in the skull to view tumors in the skull base.
His solution was a camera tube that accumulated and stored electrical charges ("photoelectrons") within the tube throughout each scanning cycle.
Philips invented the Plumbicon pick up Video camera tube in 1965, that gave tube cameras a cleaner picture.