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Drugs that selectively block these calcium-based processes should stop the chain reaction.
Calcium-based antacids are recommended if these changes are not effective.
They transform carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air into calcium-based shells.
In children, most stones are calcium-based, and Alon said their eating habits, plus drinking too little water, puts them at risk.
The calcium-based materials that bones and shells on Earth are made from might dissolve pretty readily in such an acidic environment.
Superiority of lanthanum over calcium-based phosphate binders was not demonstrated.
Calcium Cake is a calcium-based pick stone.
In 2012, researchers created calcium-based nacre in the laboratory by mimicking its natural growth process.
This is so in the present case, since calcium-based pharmaceutical preparations are a form of pharmaceutical preparations.
It achieved the same drop in phosphates as the traditional aluminium-based or calcium-based drugs, though it cost more.
Calcium carbonate, however, is expected to remain the go to calcium-based binder with approximately 90% of the calcium business.
Increased carbon dioxide levels are making the seas more acidic, which makes its more difficult for small crustaceans to form their calcium-based shells.
Calcification is synonymous with the formation of calcium-based salts and crystals within cells and tissue.
Which is only to be expected when you build with a calcium-based material rather than a dependable alloy like Thats enough teasing, suggested Vicky.
Page 4 of 10 having found that its mark was registered only in respect of calcium-based pharmaceutical preparations for the purposes of considering the opposition.
The reactor set-up provides a vehicle for studying the capacity of calcium-based sorbents to capture carbon dioxide, in addition to sulphur.
As well as calcium-based limestone, dolomitic limes can be produced which are based on calcium magnesium carbonate.
It is made from 100% Australian ingredients and is a blend of five calcium-based grits suspended in a mineral and clay matrix.
This is confirmed by the corresponding growth in calcium-based stabilizers, used as an alternative to lead-based stabilizers, more and more, also outside Europe.
Whereas higher animal skeletons are largely calcium-based, sponge spicules consist mostly of silica, a silicon dioxide polymer.
Specifically, calcium-based minerals were stored in cartilage and bone was an exaptation development from this calcified cartilage.
Erionite found in North Dakota is more calcium-based; the mineral in Turkey is sodium-based.
Yara, the world's largest fertilizer company, is experimenting with calcium-based fertilizer that would almost completely eliminate nitrous-oxide emissions, cutting its overall greenhouse-gas impact.
Avoid excess vitamin D: Often consumed with calcium to help absorption, vitamin D may raise the risk of developing calcium-based stones.
Sodium-based action potentials usually last for under one millisecond, whereas calcium-based action potentials may last for 100 milliseconds or longer.