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After this recital, several hundred cabbage white butterflies were released.
A few butterflies are quite plain, like the Cabbage White butterfly.
Does that mean that the 1,058 cabbage white butterflies counted last year were not exact?
The cabbage white butterfly lays its eggs on members of the Brassica genus.
The green caterpillars of Cabbage White butterflies eat brassicas.
Place a sheet of fine netting a few inches above cabbages and brassicas to keep cabbage white butterflies away.
It is said to be a good companion plant to cabbage because it will deter the Cabbage White butterfly.
It already has some reports from Ipswich as that bane of gardening life, the cabbage white butterfly, appears to be adapting to the traditional winter in the region.
Arabidopsis lyrata is eaten by many herbivores such as the cabbage white butterfly, Pieris brassicae.
Apparently they're the offspring of a few cabbage white butterflies which were blown across the channel, have hatched, and are currently munching their way through the garden of England.
The caterpillar stage of the "small cabbage white butterfly" (Pieris rapae), commonly known as the "imported cabbage worm", is a major cabbage pest in most countries.
Professor Erik Poelman of Wageningen University studied hyperparasitoidism on Pieris rapae, the small cabbage white butterfly.
Glucosinolates such as glucobarbarin and glucobrassicin are used as a cue for egg-laying by female cabbage white butterflies such as Pieris rapae.
Cabbage growers are pleased with the lower levels of cabbage white butterfly this summer, but there are also whites that don't feed on our veg patch, such as the green veined white.
Glucobrassicin is also known to be a highly active egg-laying stimulant of cabbage white butterflies such as the small white (Pieris rapae) and the large white (Pieris brassicae).
Additionally the species is susceptible to browsing by livestock, rodents, snails, and insect herbivores such as aphids, leaf miners, the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella), and the small cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae).
Using a scanning electron microscope, M. A. Giraldo and D. G. Stavenga of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands studied the wings of the cabbage white butterfly, a common species found practically worldwide.
Use of Photorhabdus species alone as biopesticide, independent of its nematode symbiont against the cabbage white butterfly, Pieris brassicae, mango mealy bug, Drosicha mangiferae and the pupae of the diamond back moth, Plutella xylostella has been demonstrated successful.
After this recital, several hundred cabbage white butterflies were released, despite the Royal Parks authority having stipulated before the concert that any butterflies released by the Stones should be sterilised and should certainly not be of the voracious cabbage white genus (Pieris spp.)
Bradysia paupera Ants Brevicoryne brassicae Aphids Cabbage root fly Aphis fabae Cabbage white butterflies Apple canker Capsid bugs Apple woolly aphid Carrot fly Aleyrodidae Cats Armillaria spp.
There is the cabbage butterfly, for instance.
Female cabbage butterflies, for example, use ultraviolet light to communicate, with scales colored in this range on the dorsal wing surface.
As a result, male white cabbage butterflies must have a preference for a certain level of UV reflectance from females.
And yes, I know floating row covers would keep them off - the cabbage butterflies too - but who wants to wrap the garden in gauze?
Looking at it, all she could think to say was, "The European cabbage butterfly has the most remarkable coiled proboscis.
A common North American form (P. protodice) is known as the southern cabbage butterfly.
All those nasturtiums that I have planted and the arugula that has flowered are favorites of the cabbage butterfly.
"A cabbage butterfly," suggested Diana.
Mischa sat in the gleaming tub among the vegetables in the warm sun, white cabbage butterflies around her.
Yet the little white cabbage butterfly has been observed laying its eggs on the outer reaches of a particular cabbage patch, rather than in the center.
Using a private ultraviolet communication system, female White Cabbage Butterflies signal their receptivity and initiate male mating behavior.
Along with the Large White it is sometimes known as the Cabbage White or Cabbage Butterfly.
It is also found in the caterpillar of the cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae where it serves as a defence against ants.
The names "Cabbage Butterfly" and "Cabbage White" can also refer to the Large White.
White Cabbage Butterflies, pieris rapae crucivora, use their private ultraviolet communication system to initiate mating behavior.
Female White Cabbage Butterflies take advantage of the personal butterfly ultraviolet communication system to also reject males by removing an ultraviolet reflectance signal.
Cabbage butterflies are laying eggs, so cover tender crucifers with spun cloth like Reemay, or keep an eye out for the voracious cabbage worms.
Its border of roses and 'cabbage butterflies took on a flushed glow from Mrs. Grose's paisley-draped Tiffany lamps.
They are greysh-greenish, with black dots and broad yellow stripes, quite similar to the larva of the Cabbage Butterfly (Pieris brassicae).
At 19:10 9th Jan 2012, Barrie Cook wrote: We live Aylesford near maidstone and today on our washing line we saw a cabbage butterfly!
As a case in point, the small white cabbage butterfly can often be seen flying about the centers of cabbage fields until the butterfly finds the suitable cabbage for her egg laying.
Larvae of the European cabbage butterfly, a common agricultural pest, have such a repellent, according to research by scientists from Cornell, Arizona State and Trinity College in Connecticut.
The Checkered White (Pontia protodice), also called Southern Cabbage Butterfly, is a common North American butterfly in the family Pieridae.
The imported cabbage worm is the green larva of the cabbage butterfly or cabbage white, any of several largely white butterflies (family Pieridae, type genus Pieris, garden whites).
Female White Cabbage Butterflies are not always receptive to male White Cabbage Butterflies and to communicate this message, they assume the mate refusal posture.
A cabbage white and an American lady also put in brief appearances.
After this recital, several hundred cabbage white butterflies were released.
A few butterflies are quite plain, like the Cabbage White butterfly.
Does that mean that the 1,058 cabbage white butterflies counted last year were not exact?
Three cabbage whites were spotted outside the restaurant.
The Cabbage White here only produces one generation per year compared with two in the lowlands.
And while it's the rare 75-year-old who can outpace one, she makes a game attempt to snatch a passing cabbage white from the air.
The cabbage white butterfly lays its eggs on members of the Brassica genus.
We only saw the one white butterfly, and both of us were calling it a Cabbage White (not on the list).
Cabbage whites are common butterflies of gardens and other flowery places, where they...
Let them count out their tortoise-shells, their red admirals and cabbage whites.
"Cabbage White," we both said, very guilty.
It is also commonly known as the small cabbage white or just the cabbage white.
The wasps eat the cabbage white caterpillars.
The painted lady, cabbage white, and red admiral live in both Europe and North America.
The cabbage white, like much else of New Jersey's fauna and flora, is a European immigrant.
They may have been small cabbage whites, rather than huge wing-beating swallowtails, but I did have butterflies in my stomach.
Or cabbage white.
The green caterpillars of Cabbage White butterflies eat brassicas.
Place a sheet of fine netting a few inches above cabbages and brassicas to keep cabbage white butterflies away.
It is said to be a good companion plant to cabbage because it will deter the Cabbage White butterfly.
This is the eggs of a very useful cabbage white caterpillar predator, Cotesia glomerata.
There are thousands of species - great spangled fritillaries, eastern tiger swallowtails, cabbage whites, painted ladies, you name it.
But it had taken no account of the black fly, the wireworm, the turnip-beetle, the leather-jacket, the green-fly and the black, the cabbage white.
It already has some reports from Ipswich as that bane of gardening life, the cabbage white butterfly, appears to be adapting to the traditional winter in the region.
Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Before the end of the 19th Century, British Large Whites were already establishing themselves all over the world.
In the first three years of that decade more than 8,500 pedigree Large Whites were exported to all parts of the world.
They also called their forged half-crowns large whites and forged shillings small whites.
Of course, it's possible that having large whites of the eyes serves some other purpose, like enabling me to advertise my good health to potential mates.
It was originally created through a grading up breeding process that involved breeding Large Whites and Edelschwein lines with native Bulgarian pigs in the early twentieth century.
Even in the dim moonlight and the occasional beam of light through a window of the presidential palace, Remo could see their eyes, bugged, large whites, staring out of their heads.
There is the cabbage butterfly, for instance.
A common North American form (P. protodice) is known as the southern cabbage butterfly.
Mischa sat in the gleaming tub among the vegetables in the warm sun, white cabbage butterflies around her.
As a result, male white cabbage butterflies must have a preference for a certain level of UV reflectance from females.
Female cabbage butterflies, for example, use ultraviolet light to communicate, with scales colored in this range on the dorsal wing surface.
And yes, I know floating row covers would keep them off - the cabbage butterflies too - but who wants to wrap the garden in gauze?
Looking at it, all she could think to say was, "The European cabbage butterfly has the most remarkable coiled proboscis.
All those nasturtiums that I have planted and the arugula that has flowered are favorites of the cabbage butterfly.
"A cabbage butterfly," suggested Diana.
It is also found in the caterpillar of the cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae where it serves as a defence against ants.
Yet the little white cabbage butterfly has been observed laying its eggs on the outer reaches of a particular cabbage patch, rather than in the center.
Cabbage butterflies are laying eggs, so cover tender crucifers with spun cloth like Reemay, or keep an eye out for the voracious cabbage worms.
Its border of roses and 'cabbage butterflies took on a flushed glow from Mrs. Grose's paisley-draped Tiffany lamps.
They are greysh-greenish, with black dots and broad yellow stripes, quite similar to the larva of the Cabbage Butterfly (Pieris brassicae).
The names "Cabbage Butterfly" and "Cabbage White" can also refer to the Large White.
Along with the Large White it is sometimes known as the Cabbage White or Cabbage Butterfly.
The Checkered White (Pontia protodice), also called Southern Cabbage Butterfly, is a common North American butterfly in the family Pieridae.
As a case in point, the small white cabbage butterfly can often be seen flying about the centers of cabbage fields until the butterfly finds the suitable cabbage for her egg laying.
Larvae of the European cabbage butterfly, a common agricultural pest, have such a repellent, according to research by scientists from Cornell, Arizona State and Trinity College in Connecticut.
The imported cabbage worm is the green larva of the cabbage butterfly or cabbage white, any of several largely white butterflies (family Pieridae, type genus Pieris, garden whites).
The biological significance of (+)-pinoresinol in plants is not fully understood, but it has been found to be effective as a feeding deterrent against ants in caterpillars of the cabbage butterfly, which obtain the compound from their diet.
Emphasis is also being placed on the effectiveness of the fleece covers as an insect barrier to keep off pests such as carrot fly, whitefly and cabbage butterflies so avoiding the frequent and extensive damage that can otherwise only be prevented by using pesticides.
Japanese scientists said that there were 844 species of Korean butterflies but he made a great effort to collect 167,847 of cabbage butterflies throughout the Korean peninsular and compared their patterns and measured the length of front wings with a ruler by himself.
Three cabbage whites were spotted outside the restaurant.
Cabbage whites are common butterflies of gardens and other flowery places, where they...
Let them count out their tortoise-shells, their red admirals and cabbage whites.
They may have been small cabbage whites, rather than huge wing-beating swallowtails, but I did have butterflies in my stomach.
There are thousands of species - great spangled fritillaries, eastern tiger swallowtails, cabbage whites, painted ladies, you name it.
There were terraced gardens with vines and creepers on the buildings themselves and the air was full of butterflies, mainly red admirals and cabbage whites.
There don't seem to be all that many bees, but today I noticed lots of hover flies and my tiny venture into growing veg had brought more cabbage whites than normal.
The 100-foot path with stepping stones meanders through a meadow in the 12.5 acre arboretum and has been attracting cabbage whites, black swallowtails, red admirals and many other butterflies.
Butterflies were rising among the flowers in the dooryard, cabbage whites and sulfur yellows, here and there the great, lazy sail of a late tiger swallowtail out of the shadow of the wood.
Interspersed with echinacea, marigolds and floating Verbena bonariensis to attract bees from nearby National Theatre rooftop hives (and distract the cabbage whites), the veg has not yet been spotted by the local pigeon community, and is to many others still a secret garden.
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