Between 1977 and 1986 the holdings of mortgage bonds by American savings and loans grew from $12.6 billion to $150 billion.
Tax benefits in the mid-1980's for real estate investments led to free-wheeling lending to hotel developers by savings and loan institutions.
Many other Americans have health insurance plans supplemented by their salaries or savings.
(Few European refugees qualified either by occupation or savings.)
Now repaid by public savings and cuts.
Separately, the Government introduced its bill in Congress today to reform the pension system and promote development by increasing savings.
The issue at the time was whether ownership by savings and loan associations in real estate projects and other commercial ventures posed excessive risk.
She managed to reduce the national debt by savings and cuttings.
In contrast, Federal legislation enacted last year simply banned the holding of all junk bonds by savings and loans.
He plans to propose a mixed system of minimal coverage by the state and private voluntary individual savings.