Wholesale trade among companies would replace assignments by central planners.
Thus another, better system must be adopted and translated into policy by planners and administrators.
Built on 285,000 square metres the estate was an attempt by planners to house some of London's poorest families.
That would give it faster access to their technology, which is precisely the development most feared by strategic planners at the Pentagon.
This sequence, rather than some wish by planners to turn the clock back.was, in my view the chief cause of the retreat from the 1965 reform.
Expansion of transit has motivated data development by operators and planners.
There was some recognition by planners that schools would provide particularly vulnerable targets, especially dangerous because they contained a high concentration of glass.
Some reasons are the stuff of many a client lecture by financial planners.
Permission was granted - for a one year period - by local planners last week.
A lighter touch at the controls by central planners gave state enterprises more discretion to decide what they made and how.