He then received another medal by jurors of Astronomical Instruments.
They said the moves were needed to ensure fair trials by impartial jurors.
No doubt future accounts by individual jurors will shed light on what actually transpired behind the closed doors of the jury room.
And he thwarted an attempt by grand jurors to launch an investigation on their own.
Haddad said the juror likely will be interviewed to see if there is evidence of misconduct by other jurors.
This unequivocal evidence of racism and misconduct by jurors has had no impact on Georgia state authorities.
It is an imperfect truth settled, sometimes, by irritated jurors who are sick of being locked in a room together.
Stereotypes are perceived by jurors rather than created by questions.
Counted 243 chairs, most of them filled by fellow prospective jurors.
Marilyn Mode, a police spokeswoman, said the department welcomed aggressive scrutiny by grand jurors.