And more importantly, what is the difference between having your life controlled by, or even ended, by addiction to alcohol as opposed to "drugs"?
Behind these figures lies the grimmer realities of streets ruled by drug dealers, families fractured by addiction and prison and a public school system seemingly surrendered to uncontrolable chaos.
Plagued by addiction for some time, Crosby authored just one song, "Can't Wait on Love", and contributed notably to another, "All or Nothing".
Recovery becomes impaired by addiction and poor judgment.
In "The Intruder," the homeless man, John Gates, a subway motorman brought low by loss, addiction and psychosis, is just as fleshed out as the lawyer he menaces.
Worn by addiction but still beautiful, Brenda finally realized her ambition to act when she got the lead role in Ronald Firbank's play The Princess Zoubaroff.
Reviews, profiles and essays linked by food, God, the body, and personal and cultural addiction.
The block, then almost uniformly black, had been bent by poverty, welfare and unemployment, by alienation between men and women, by drug dealing, addiction and violence.
It is based on a set of principles which give people affected by addiction a course of action that solves their substance misuse problem.
The Government has announced a major trial of an innovative new way to fund intensive help for families blighted by anti-social behaviour, crime, addiction and poor education.