Rev. of The Closing of the American Mind, by Allan Bloom.
Giants and Dwarfs Essays, 1960-1990 By Allan Bloom 395 pages.
The No. 1 book is "The Closing of the American Mind" by Allan Bloom, a professor of philosophy and political science at the University of Chicago.
Reissued with foreword by Allan Bloom, 1989.
The Closing of the American Mind is a 1987 book by Allan Bloom.
"THE Closing of the American Mind" by Allan Bloom has been on the New York Times best-seller list for 23 weeks.
Review of Shakespeare's Politics, by Allan Bloom with Harry V. Jaffa.
Much of this debate centered on reactions to the publication of The Closing of the American Mind in 1987 by Allan Bloom.
The rise of relativism, as described by Allan Bloom in his book, Closing of the American Mind.
"The Closing of the American Mind" by Allan Bloom (Simon & Schuster).