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Since management is part of the buying group, it already feels like an inside job.
The study found some hospitals paid at least 25 percent more when they used buying groups.
No one knows how much money the buying groups save hospitals.
The two major buying groups say they are accountable only to those hospitals that own them.
That subcommittee held a hearing in April on the buying groups.
That arrangement has led to questions about whose interests the buying groups really serve.
It is the largest of all the flooring buying groups.
The company, with 56,000 employees, stopped buying group health insurance for them in 1972 and began paying benefits itself.
Some top buying group executives have found other ways to profit personally.
The buying group plans on making certain improvements to the building, with the details to be announced in early 2007.
Not all buying groups or machinery rings operate in exactly the same way.
Part of the cover calculus is to have a strong constituency buying group.
The buying group, however, is convinced it has not overpaid.
He cited "the extensive range of businesses and programs" run by the buying groups.
By contrast, small and medium hospitals tended to do better using a buying group.
It is a member of the Distribution America buying group.
It was a system that the big buying groups had creatively nurtured.
Senator Kohl said he had serious concerns about buying group officials holding any stock in a company with which they do business.
Some hospitals are now questioning the wisdom of staying in the big buying groups.
"How does a buying group keep secret a new product launch between two competing advertisers?"
"This lack of consistent price savings is contrary to what would be expected for large" buying groups, the study found.
He added that officials of the buying groups had moved to bar member hospitals from reviewing his company's equipment.
The bill would also require the buying groups to disclose whatever payments they receive from medical supply companies.
The price may be reduced by debt assumed by the buying group.
Later, he was transferred as a financial expert in the central buying group of Belgian civilian administration.