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The trees would be just bursting into leaf.
As usual, the land was dotted with mimosas, all of which were now bursting into leaf.
He nodded, and she followed him to the grove of trees, at this season just bursting into leaf and flower.
Trees were bursting into leaf and birds singing as they wandered along the banks of the river, their arms entwined round each other.
Around me came small popping sounds, like pods of shatter-grass breaking open, as the gray trees burst into leaf all at once.
All's well, if only the very large and very sticky buds in the tree-tops would burst into leaf.
I passed the cord around the trunk of the nearest tree, a small maple just beginning to burst into leaf, and started to haul on it.
Tree buds burst into leaves.
In the deepest of the clump the boughs, now bursting into leaf, were bent downwards as though to hide something beneath.
Timelapse shows its effects as streams fill with water, plants burst into leaf and moisture loving animals wake up and get busy.
'The air burst into leaf.'
Behind the leaf-fall came a gust of budding, the black branches sprouting new growth in seconds, the growth bursting into leaf.
'There's just something about the place, I don't know if it's the daffodils about to bud, the horse-chestnuts about to burst into leaf, the colonnade.'
As if a dry stalk suddenly swelled with sap beneath my fingers, and burst into leaf and flower, and filled my nostrils with its scent.
I extract verbatim from my journal, 26th June:--"The river has still risen; the weather is cooler, and the withered trees and bushes are giving signs of bursting into leaf.
The woods were bursting into leaf, the meadows and hedge-rows were flushed with flowers, and every grove and copsewood echoed to the warblings of birds and the humming of bees.
I thought the weather earlier this year would have boosted chances of a cracking show, but Fergus says night-time temperatures have been low, and most of these plants need adequate day length to burst into leaf.
I foresee an unpleasant ending"], Primitivo says that he has still not given up all hope of living longer, since when least you expect it, like a bud bursting into leaf, a new lease of life can appear.
Legend has it that, when the body of Saint Martin was carried to its final place of rest, the wintry trees along the banks of the Loire burst into leaf and flower as his funeral barge passed by.
* * * Full spring came and the vegetation burst into leaf and bud and bloom, quickly, for its growth instincts knew in their mindless way how short was the time to grow and reproduce before the brown death of summer came.
The saint's late medieval popularity derived largely from a version of the story published in 1275 in the Golden Legend by Jacobus de Voragine, in which a giant named Christopher helped travellers across a dangerous river and, when he planted his staff in the riverbank, it burst into leaf.
It reminded one a little of the London which Thackeray knew on that side of the river, and in the Kennington Road, through which the great barouche of the Newcomes must have passed as it drove the family to the West of London, the plane-trees were bursting into leaf.
Before them on their left the great west tower of the church loomed; on their right, the long block of the guest-halls, and beyond, the crowns of the garden trees just bursting into leaf and bud, with a moist, pearly light filming over stonework and cobbles and all with a soft Spring sheen.