Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
No chance, they'd brought their bureaucratically extended families to stay.
It is a good thing this show wasn't bureaucratically planned.
"I'm scared of what he can do to us bureaucratically.
I'd never had a baby, so I didn't know what happened bureaucratically when you gave birth.
Bureaucratically there would be difficulties as well, although they are probably surmountable.
It was a legal requirement to make the conversion, but bureaucratically impossible to do so.
"The policy is reinforced by harassing the Palestinians bureaucratically," he said.
Now it is widely regarded as something of a dumping ground for the bureaucratically minded.
Finally, revitalization is bureaucratically appealing to White House staff members.
Though the system worked bureaucratically, even on its own terms it never worked culturally or economically.
If a duke took power from his nobles, the state would have to be administered bureaucratically by appointed officials.
They should not be bureaucratically managed from Brussels.
There was a long-winded, bureaucratically inspired plaque on the wall that gave its real title.
Imposing a -test based on income, she said, would be too bureaucratically unwieldy.
"They were bureaucratically cut out and so they screamed and yelled."
Furthermore, your proposal is bureaucratically much more complex.
These qualities were perverted into bureaucratically organized mass murder that became part of German history.
A bureaucratically designed death farce and yet one that many institutions in the City hoped would protect their backs.
Bureaucratically speaking, the First Lady and all her staff are, collectively, the man who wasn't there.
The programmes were approved too late, the Commission operates too bureaucratically.
We all know that administrations tend to act bureaucratically and that means at a distance from their citizens.
However, in the 19th century, their role shifted with the advent of a bureaucratically organised government.
Bureaucratically, the conference had some early struggles.
The State Department, however, still classifies the region bureaucratically as part of Europe.
As an economist, I say that every economic rule must be applied intelligently rather than dogmatically and bureaucratically.