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I should have known you as a bunter from the start.
He was a good bunter, and swift on his feet.
He was a good bunter and a very fast runner.
When Bunter and the others arrive, there are around twenty members of the society in the study.
When Bunter returned a minute or two later with the coffee, he was asleep.
But every one of those minutes seemed inordinately long to Bunter.
In the Spessart is found a great deal of bunter.
I'm one of the best bunters on this team.
By all means, Bunter, if you think it necessary.
Bunter put the books quietly away, and looked with some curiosity at the chosen few left on the table.
He could hit to all fields, and he was a great bunter.
Bunter realises that a considerable power has been placed in his fat hands.
He was also a good hit-and-run man, and one of the best bunters in the league.
Valentine said he quickly realized the Japanese were superior bunters for that reason.
Bunter's bell gave a single brisk shake, and then whatever had been here was gone.
Bunter is overjoyed to be called upon to assist in an investigation.
"You may make so bold as to call them damnable, Bunter."
The doctor looked at him in some surprise, but said nothing, and he and Bunter carried the still form away.
"This is the first time you'll be acting as senior bounty bunter.
And sometimes, even when the air is perfectly still, Bunter's bell will shiver out a few notes.
He became a better bunter and was third in the American League with 11 sacrifices.
Bunter has been taking lessons in Marsh's test, and performs it to admiration.
The television show was totally centred on Bunter, with the other characters playing only a peripheral role.
"Bunter's better at that sort of thing," said Wimsey, with a hard mouth.
"No," said Bunter, who had moved from his attitude of wooden deference.