While allowing a clearly generous number of guns to be bought for personal use, this would prevent the bulk buying of guns for resale.
The Cooperative Purchasing program coordinates and administers a formal bidding process for bulk buying.
But really, "they're winning in the marketplace of bulk buying."
That is without the benefit of bulk buying!
The rate-card price is the full price charged by networks without any discount for bulk buying of advertising.
Its main drawback is that you will be paying significantly more for your components, as you will not be getting the benefits of bulk buying.
That long shelf life makes them ideal for bulk buying.
Then the company pioneered the concept of multiple retailing, capitalising on bulk buying and economies of scale.
But many chefs don't have the resources for such bulk buying, he said, adding, "Your chef's job is at stake."
The supply point cost is skewed toward bulk buying making a 200 charge purchase cheaper on a "per charge price" as opposed to 100 charges.