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The next building stage took place during the 16th century.
"The great thing is we're a young team and we are past the building stage," George said.
Our survey form is a good starting point to get your project from the planning to building stage.
When we get into the building stage, the costs go up."
More rail lines are in the planning and building stages.
Future building stages will be constructed to keep pace with the expected growth in student numbers.
The night before we were building stages and spending money like there was no tomorrow in case Prince turned up.
We are not in a building stage any more, we want to go on and be successful.
At this stage it is still in the primary building stage.
They may wish to visit during the building stages.
I'd been making up skits and building stages in the back yard for most of my life.
In the early 1980s I worked for a year building stage sets and for another making furniture.
That inspection body shall conduct inspections during the building stage.
The house is now in the building stages and it is all very exciting.
To celebrate its centenary in 1979, the College began the fifth and final building stage.
We check nests every three days, so a successful nest found during the building stage may need to be checked 8 to 10 times.
Women are also most negative in the middle years of junior/middle management, which is a critical career building stage.
The base building stage cost about $2.5 million.
"But I also want residents and traders to be reassured that the street will remain open for business throughout the building stage."
Such cable routings are ideally considered at a vessel’s new building stage.
Participants will view the physical plant, the make-up dressing and set building stages.
Fees vary according to the level of support each centre offers candidates during the portfolio building stage.
The location of the pyramid is unknown and it most probably never significantly entered the building stage.
The new city concert hall is in its final building stages, and will enlarge capacity to 1600.
Numerous stores are in the planning or building stages.